
A wide selection of the best incontinence products on the New Zealand market, allowing you to manage incontinence effectively and help you feel comfortable and confident all day.


Do you need to squeeze your legs together when you laugh to avoid leakage?

Do you leak urine before getting to the loo?

Are you avoiding travels and declining social invitations because of fear of embarrassment and anxiety brought by the loss of bladder control?

Do you shun social activities and intimate relationships because you are concerned about sudden leakage and odor?

Urinary incontinence (UI) can result from nerve damage, weakened pelvic floor muscles, overactive bladder muscles, and other bladder conditions. The unintentional passing of urine is not a natural part of the aging process, but many adults, especially women, suffer from UI. Fortunately, various treatments are available. And while you are waiting for a cure, our incontinence products can be helpful. 

Living with incontinence can limit the things you feel you can do, and using poor-quality incontinence products can only add to the anxiety you are feeling. We offer a wide selection of the best incontinence products in New Zealand to help you feel comfortable and confident all day. Our incontinence pads, underwear, and skincare products can give you peace of mind whatever you're doing or wherever you're going.

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