A selection of Barrier Cream and Film, designed to protect and hydrate your skin
Unit: EACH
Unit: EACH
Unit: BX20
Unit: EACH
Barrier Creams go by many names (skin balms, salves, ointments) but they've all got the same goal in mind - to keep your skin hydrated and protected. They can be useful if your skin's natural barrier function isn't working as it should, whether it's due to a skin condition such as eczema or dermatitis, or just an effect of the changing seasons.
Barrier creams maintain and protect the physical barrier of the skin and prevent the skin from drying out. They stop transepidermal water loss and skin breakdown by providing a topical barrier on the skin. These creams can also heal skin tears and existing wounds. By acting as a shield against potential irritants, they are designed to create the ideal environment for damaged skin to restore itself.