Welcome to our Make External Catheters. A male external catheters are part of a complete non-latex bladder management system: catheters, leg bags, tubing, and m9 Cleaner Decrystallizer.
Unit: BX30
Unit: BX30
Also called condom catheters, Male External Catheters are designed to be a secure leak-free method of draining urine from the bladder. Remembering a few key points can provide a better experience for the user and caregivers.
1. Make sure the right size has been chosen. If the diameter of the external catheter is too large, the catheter will “bunch up” on the skin which can allow leakage to occur. If the diameter of the external catheter is too small, the catheter may “pop-off” which can produce a spill.
2. Trim hair on the shaft and base of your penis. It is much better to be overzealous with the trimming. A razor and shaving cream produces the best results. Use scissors or an electric beard trimmer to trim surrounding hair to about ¼ inch. This will ensure that the surrounding hair is not caught under the adhesive and result in pulling and/or leaking.
3. Wash the skin of the penis very well with soap and water before applying the external catheter. It is best to not use soap that contains lotion. Allow the skin to air dry. If you have very oily skin or if you live in an extra humid climate, you may want to repeat the washing and air dry procedure. If you do not have air conditioning, you should choose the coolest part of the day to change your catheter and have a fan blowing on you to minimize sweating. Most external catheters are designed to stay on for 24 hours, but only if the skin is well cared for.
4. Do not apply a male external catheter to skin that is inflamed, macerated, or has sores. The skin on the penis must be healthy to use external catheters.
5. Uncircumcised men should leave the foreskin in place over the head of the penis when applying an external catheter.
6. After the catheter has been rolled onto the penis, make sure that there are no wrinkles; then gently squeeze for a few seconds. This is to ensure that the adhesive evenly adheres to the skin so that the chance of a “pop-off” is minimized.
Our Male External Catheters from Hollister are designed for up to a 24-hour wear time, are clear, latex-free material, and easy to apply.