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Many of us take the health of our scalp for granted and when we pick out hair products, we tend to focus on how they will benefit our hair instead of the skin skin of the head. But it's different for those with scalp issues. For many, constantly feeling the need to scratch can be distracting, and dandruff flakes falling onto clothing can be embarrassing. Learning how to take care of your scalp can improve its health, give you peace of mind, and maybe even boost your confidence.
The health of your scalp determines the health of your hair. Your scalp is like the soil of a farm. Poor soil will directly affect the well-being of the plants growing in it. Similarly, anything that would cause scalp inflammation can be harmful to the existence and well-being of hair. Some simple changes to your hair regimen can make a big difference in the health of your scalp. Sometimes, it's as easy as being more gentle while shampooing or only straightening your waves on occasion.