Sports & Rehab
by USL Sport May 02, 2022
Cold therapy is a common method used following injury and physical activity to help individuals recover. As a rule of thumb, injuries are commonly managed with ice and cold therapy in the acute stages, to cool down the injured joint or tissue and aid in the reduction of swelling and pain to joints and soft tissue. A common term heard in sport injury management is “RICED” – rest, ice compression and elevation. This technique involves:
The combination of the above steps aims to immobilize, cool down and provide compression to the affected area, which can assist with swelling and pain. The proper method for this technique involves avoiding use of the injured area, and applying ice for 20 minutes at a time, four to eight times a day[1]. Compression is most useful in the first week following injury[2], and experts suggest elevating the area for 2-3 hours per day[3].
The RICED method is most effective in assisting with the treatment of sprains and strains, and isn’t recommended for broken bones, or more serious injuries. It is important to assess whether the individual requires medical attention in the first instance, or if the injury can be managed conservatively.
The above information is designed as a guide only and is not intended to replace medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare professional to ensure that you get the most accurate information and advice for your needs.
[1] Sprains and strains. (2015, January 30)
[2] What is the RICE method for injuries? (2018, April 11)
[3]R.I.C.E. Treatment. (2013)
Those who partake in regular exercise and activity know that rest and recovery is essential to performance. However, a lot of us don’t take the time to recover properly whether that be not prioritising active recovery post workout or taking a rest day.